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Ballet Pumps for Proms
As the promise of Summer looms closer day-by-day, we can’t stop thinking about Prom season! Whether you’re at University, planning for your Leavers’ Ball, or hoping to celebrate the end of your GCSE exams with that all-important Prom night. It’s not that far away!
Planning your Prom outfit can take forever! Weeks spent hunting for that perfect dress, then finding shoes & accessories to match, there’s no denying – it’s a BIG deal. Yet no matter what shoes you’ve found to match your dress, we can safely guess that they’re probably not going to be the comfiest! Especially after dancing all night long with your best friends.
These girls have got the right idea! But trainers, no matter how comfy they are, aren’t exactly the most stylish option. Which is where our fold-up shoes come in!
Small and lightweight enough to fold up and pop into any clutch bag, they come in a wide range of style and prints that will give your feet a well deserved, but still stylish, break from high heels.
Check out our sequin range, the perfect way to add a little sparkle at the end of your Prom night.
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